Lecture Details

Visual electrophysiology; refining the phenotype and structure-function relationships
Professor Graham E Holder

Graham Holder, previously Consultant and Director of Electrophysiology at Moorfields Eye Hospital (1995-2017), has been a Hong-Leong Professor, National University of Singapore, since 2017. He started in Clinical Neurophysiology at the Brook Hospital (1974), followed by King’s College Hospital (1995). He twice served on BSCN Council. He has >270 peer-reviewed publications with >27500 citations; >45 book chapters, and 3 co-edited or co-authored books. He accepted Honorary Professorships of UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (2007), and Sydney Medical School (2013). He is an Honorary Fellow of the Academy for Healthcare Science, ARVO and EVER (European Association for Vision and Eye Research).

He is a European Ophthalmology Society Scientific Advisory Board member; a previous EVER President; was a long-term ISCEV Board member (Director of Education 2001-2014); has Achievement Awards from the American and Asia-Pacific Academies of Ophthalmology; was Visionary of the Quarter (the European Vision Research Gateway); and is in Stanford's top 2% of world scientists. He has an Edridge Green medal (Royal College of Ophthalmologists) and, recently, the prestigious J Donald Gass medal from the Macula Society.

He has lectured extensively worldwide and remains a passionate teacher and researcher striving to inform and improve patient diagnosis and management.

Metrics: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=fpTmGbUAAAAJ&hl=en

Visual electrophysiology; refining the phenotype and structure-function relationships