What to expect if you are having a neurophysiological test
If you are a patient looking for information about neurophysiological tests, perhaps because you have been referred to one of our departments for testing, then you may find the pages here describing the tests useful. Many departments will however have their own information sheets and there are some differences between departments, especially when it comes to administrative matters.
The menu options to the left will take you to pages about the main test types carried out in neurophysiology departments
EEG - Electroencephalography or recording of the 'brain waves' is now mostly used in the investigation of epilepsy
Video Telemetry - is a prolonged form of EEG recording
EMG - Electromyography is used to test for a variety of nerve and muscle problems
Evoked Potentials - the least common test type, are used to record the reaction of the brain to external stimuli such as sound or light
At all times, we as Clinical Neurophysiologists have your best interests at the centre of our activities. If you have any further questions, we suggest you contact either your GP or the Clinic you are due to attend.
We regret that we cannot enter into any direct correspondence with you about your individual medical condition.