Useful web links for neurophysiologists

As well as the links on this page there are dedicated pages of links for some categories in the menu to the left

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Websites directly concerned with clinical neurophysiology

TeleEEG - an charitable initative to provide expert EEG reporting to the developing world

IFCN Standards - a compendium of technical standards documents and guidelines

Transforming Clinical Neurophysiology: Good Practice Guide


Neurology and conditions of interest to neurophysiologists

Neuromuscular at WUSTL - comprehensive catalog of neuromuscular syndromes and genetics

ILAE Epilepsy Classification and Terminology - North Pacific Epilepsy Research

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Dr Jeremy Bland

Non-epileptic Attacks

eMedicine Neurology

National Library for Health NHS/UK

OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 

Medscape Neurology

E-Brain - All members have access to this educational resource (latest flyer) through our membership of the joint neurosciences council. For access email


Careers in clinical neurophysiology

Clinical Neurophysiologist -

Clinical Physiologist (Neurophysiology) - NHS Health Careers

What is Physiological Measurement? - NHS guide to physiological measurement

Contact list of local consultants 

Mentorship programme

Buddy Scheme in Clinical Neurophysiology

Induction Booklet


Medical Care - the RCP online guide to service design

If you are a medical director, clinical lead or anyone with an interest in planning services then the new Medical Care Website is for you. Produced by the Royal College of Physicians and written by leading experts from the medical specialties, Medical care is the essential online guide to efficient and effective design of medical services. Through the website you can:

·         access comprehensive guidance on overarching themes around service design, such as person-centred care, patient safety and integrated care

·         browse through specialty-specific sections and learn how to measure, deliver and maintain high-quality services



Other  (Lists medical conferences)

Nominations for the council 2023

Final notice AGM & Proxy Notice

Neonatal EEG national service evaluation 

New BSCN Website

Botox course 2024 venue maps and biographies