Abstract Details

The New Curriculum - a roll out

The new Clinical Neurophysiology Curriculum will come into action in August for 2021 for all trainees with a CCT date after August 2022.

The curriculum is in a new format, but contains much of the same content as before + most of the "General content" previosusly in the Gold Guide

Some of the Advanced procedures have had to be removed as the GMC wants all trainees to "have identical training experience" eg sphincter EMG, but most is unchanged. Those components that have been removed can still be taught and we will create post-CCT credentialing which will allow trainees to demonstrate the extra experience.

Logbook has some mild changes.

Increase from 6 to 9 DOPS per year

There will be a formative exam in ST4, ST5 and ST6 - volunteers for writing questions please contact Mark Baker.

MSF will be annual.

Surgeons with MRCS will be able to apply for trainee posts.

For procedures which are do not require patient contact eg VEP and ERG interpretation, online/ historical cases are now acceptable for the logbook and for DOPs assessments. It is now possible to do the whole visual physiology curriculum via the BSCN "Education section" of the BSCN website.

Volunteers are sought for BSAEPs and SSEPs of anonymised cases.



TitleForenamesSurnameInstitutionLead AuthorPresenter
DrGarethPayneClinical Neurophysiology Specialty Advisory Committee
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